Who is an Ideal Candidate for Scaling and Root Planing?

Did the Best Dentist in Orlando FL inform you that you need a deep tooth cleaning? If yes, you probably have a lot of questions in mind. Most people think that brushing and flossing are enough but it’s actually not. To achieve optimum dental health, your dentist will perform a deep dental cleaning procedure better known as scaling and root planing at least every three years. Is scaling and root planing really necessary? Let’s find out.  

Who are Suitable Candidates for Deep Teeth Cleaning? 

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Dental scaling and root planing is required for individuals who have already developed deep periodontal pockets with a substantial plaque and bacterial buildup. Unfortunately, regular teeth cleaning cannot stop the buildup, which is why the Best Dentist in Orlando FL recommends patients to undergo scaling and root planing. The procedure takes much longer because the cleaning is deeper and more thorough as it goes beyond the gum line. If scaling and root planing are not done gum disease will worsen leading to tooth loss and bone loss. 

Who Should Undergo Scaling and Root Planing?

Not everyone is required to go through scaling and root planing. The Best Dentist in Orlando FL will evaluate the condition of your gums to see if you qualify for the procedure. If you exhibit signs of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, bad breath, pain when flossing and sensitive and inflamed gums then you need to set an appointment with your dentist for deep teeth cleaning.

Have You Visited the Best Dentist in Orlando FL? 

Are you a candidate for scaling and root planing? Talk to your dentist today to find out. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums and check if you suffer from periodontal disease. After a diagnosis is made, he or she will either perform the procedure on that day or schedule you for another appointment. At Windermere Dental & Medical Spa, we are devoted to providing the highest quality family dental and medical services. Our skilled & trusted providers always utilize the most advanced techniques, devices, and procedures with great expertise, safety & integrity. Call us or visit our website to book an appointment or to learn more about our services.

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