

What You Need to Know About Chemical Peels

Do you wish to achieve younger-looking skin? If you have tried all skincare products in the market and you’re still dissatisfied with the results you should clear your schedule and visit a Medical Spa Orlando. Medical spas offer a wide range of services that will help enhance your skin’s appearance. One of the most popular treatments being offered in medical spas is a chemical peel. What is a chemical peel and how can your skin benefit from it? Let’s learn more. 

How Do Chemical Peels Improve Your Skin?

Your Skin Glows Youthfully 

One of the things you’ll notice after getting a chemical peel from a Medical Spa Orlando is a vast improvement in your skin. After the peel is applied on your skin you will look youthful and radiant. The fine lines and wrinkles on your forehead, at the corner of your eyes and around your mouth will be greatly reduced. Aside from minimizing age marks, chemical peels are also helpful in reducing acne marks and scars, sunspots, melasma, and freckles. 

Stay Away From The Sun

After getting a chemical peel from your trusted Medical Spa Orlando, the wisest thing you can do is to steer clear from the sun. If you cannot avoid it, make sure you slather a generous amount of sunscreen every time you go out. Find a sunscreen that says broad spectrum because it means it is formulated to protect your skin against UVB and UVA rays. The SPPF must also be above 30. When you are out under the sun try to limit your exposure between 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. 

Are You Ready to Go to a Medical Spa Orlando? 

Before you get a chemical peel the doctor will check your history and your skin’s condition to determine what treatment you need based on your needs and goals. At Windermere Dental & Medical Spa, we are devoted to providing the highest quality family dental and medical services. Our skilled & trusted providers always utilize the most advanced techniques, devices, and procedures with great expertise, safety & integrity. Call us or visit our website to book an appointment or to learn more about our services. 

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