Safe. Effective. Less Treatments.⁣

The Hollywood Spectra Laser, which is a Q-Switched 1064 laser, as well as multiple wavelengths, we are able to remove virtually all color tattoos safely and effectively on almost all skin types. In addition, we are able to increase the speed of tattoo removal and decrease the number of sessions needed.

Commonly Asked Questions About Tattoo Removal

Why do I need multiple treatments? The number of treatments required depends on the size, location, depth and color of the tattoo. Tattoo ink consists of pigment particles that are stacked upon one another giving it that very dark and concentrated appearance, which is why the pigment cannot be simply broken down in one session.

The Spectra Laser is designed to break up these pigment particles little by little. As your body heals, fading of the tattoo will be more noticeable after each session. Tattoo removal treatments should be performed four to eight weeks apart to give the body time to heal and to allow the body to also remove the tattoo ink fragments that were targeted at the previous session.

How long do treatments take? Each session usually last ten to thirty minutes but this all depends on the size of the tattoo. However, if you use an anesthetic this could extend the length of session time to allow the anesthetic to work properly.

How does the body dispose of the ink? Once the Spectra Laser breaks down the layer of ink, the body responds by signaling fluid to the targeted area to remove away the ink. This is why redness and some swelling are often seen after each session.

Request a Consultation

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Windemere Medical Spa & Laser Institute, Located in Orlando, FL,  is proud to offer effective, safe, and cutting-edge treatments in our world class facility for any of the following:


Facial Folds, Depressions & Deflated skin

Enlarged Pores

Dull Skin

DNA Damage

Aging Skin

Texture Irregularities

Drooping Eyebrows

Dark Circles

Volume Loss (face & buttock)

Sagging or Loose Skin

Redness, Rosacea, and broken Capillaries  


Dark Spots, Sun Spots & Hyperpigmentation

Active Acne

Unwanted Tattoos

Acne Scars

Scars including surgical scars

Stretch Marks


Underarm Sweating

Gummy Smile

Skin Tags or unwanted Lesions/Spots

Unwanted Body Hair

Call or Text us Today to Schedule a Comprehensive Consultation with One of Our Expert Providers! 321-445-1115

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