BARE IT on the BareHR Platform represents a gold standard laser hair removal system that replaces antiquated hair removal methods. Even large areas can be treated in a matter of minutes. Patients are safely, efficiently, comfortably, and precisely treated during any time of year. Plus, BARE IT supports genuinely personalized treatment. The device is designed to effectively address each patient’s unique needs, even those with dark skin.

What is the difference between BARE IT & Traditional Laser Hair Removal?

Earlier-generation lasers were limited in treating a range of skin types. Likewise, laser hair removal was typically a “seasonal” treatment because the device responded to untanned skin. For patients with dark or tanned skin, they may not have been good candidates for laser treatments due to risks such as hypopigmentation (light patches of skin) following treatment. Moreover, these treatments are generally time-consuming. Only smaller areas or spot sizes can be treated. The laser itself can’t reach the peak speeds associated with the latest systems like BARE IT. Also, older treatments are associated with more and longer sessions to get desirable results, which further adds to the overall cost of treatment.

What makes BARE IT unique?

  • The first and only platform of its kind to deliver ultra-short pulses of laser energy for the fastest treatment.
  • These pulses reach optimal temperatures to destroy hairs at each follicle.
  • The surrounding skin is untouched, which allows for precise and safe treatment.
  • Due to these features, patients enjoy superior results in the shortest time possible.
  • Versatility abounds, as the system safely and selectively treats all skin types and areas, both large and small.
  • The exclusive blend technology simultaneously delivers three wavelengths to support personalized treatment by penetrating various hair depths on diverse skin types without damaging surface skin.
  • Patient comfort is maintained throughout treatment due to a built-in, constant contact cooling.

How many sessions do I need? How long does it take?

Due to how hair grows (in stages), a series of treatments are still needed; however, BARE IT patients love how much time is saved during each treatment session because the laser works so fast! At Windermere Dental | Medical Spa | Laser Institute, we can treat the underarms in just 15 seconds, the back in one minute, and arms and legs in 1.5 minutes and three minutes, respectively.

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