Dental Medical SPA

Orlando Root Canal | What is a Root Canal Procedure?

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Orlando Root Canal | What is a Root Canal Procedure?

Do you have tooth sensitivity while eating your favorite foods? If so, you may have a root canal—the infected nerve in a tooth causing tooth decay. Keep reading to learn more about the best Orlando root canal experts!


What It Is

First things first, a root canal stems from the infected center inside of your tooth. The center of the tooth is called the pulp. This pulp is made up of tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings that become decayed or infected.


Common Symptoms

Moreover, you may be experiencing symptoms for a root canal and be unaware that you have it. It’s recommended that you be aware of the following symptoms:

  • Gum tenderness
  • Teeth discoloration (dark color)
  • Tooth sensitivity (both cold and heat)
  • Unexplained tooth pain


What to Expect

Furthermore, we make sure to identify the issue early on, so you can better prepare. Typically, we will perform an exam analyzing for red or tender gums. Then, we may use an x-ray to scan for tooth discoloration.

Once we’ve diagnosed the issue, we will apply a local anesthetic to the affected area. We will remove the nerve of the infected tooth and clean out the tooth canal. Afterward, a crown is used to fill up the root.


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Contact Your Orlando Root Canal Specialists Today!

Last but not least, we know the importance of maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. Our expertise in root canals gives you the best treatment possible. Contact us today to make an appointment!

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