

Medical Spa Orlando | Myths About Chemical Peels Busted!

Among all skin care treatments offered by a medical spa Orlando, chemical peels have an undeserved reputation that’s less-than-stellar. Due to this fact, most people are apprehensive about the treatment. However, when you’re trying to choose the right solution to your skin issues, it’s important to decipher fact from fiction. Check out these common misconceptions about chemical peels.

They’re Bad for You

When it’s performed correctly, you’ll be surprised at the treatment’s ability to improve your skin. While people may not be comfortable with the idea of having various chemicals put on their skin, the truth is that chemical peels make use of naturally occurring acids that are found in fruits and sugarcane.

You’ll Be Left with Significant Downtime

Unlike before where very deep chemical peels can cause sheets of your skin to fall off, making you look like someone who’s been severely burned, laser treatments are now being used to provide this very deep resurfacing. The best part about it is that you’ll experience fewer side effects and less downtime.

They’re Painful

Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. However, you’ll feel a little tightness, tingling or a change in temperature – nothing too extreme. Just avoid exfoliating for a couple of days and drink lots of water.

It’s a One-Time Solution

If you want to keep your skin healthy, you’ll have to commit to having peels done on a regular basis to get the best outcome.

You Don’t Need to Go to a Medical Spa Orlando to Have It

Countless people who have performed peels on themselves end up with irreparable damage to their skin and even scarring. These have to be performed by specially trained estheticians who work in a medical spa Orlando. If you want to know more about chemical peels and how they can improve your skin, call Windermere Dental and Medical Spa to schedule a consultation today.

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