

Dermal Fillers in Orlando | What are Dermal Fillers?

As we age, the complexion of our faces change. Our skin begins to sag, we start to see age lines. Luckily, the technology is out there to rejuvenate our look, even in our latter years. One of those ways is dermal fillers. What are dermal fillers though? Let’s take a look at what exactly dermal fillers in Orlando are and what they can do for you.

What are Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face. As people get older, their faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat. As a result, the facial muscles are working closer to the skin surface, causing smile lines and crow’s feet. Dermal fillers help reverse these issues, tightening the skin back up and making your face look younger.

What can Dermal Fillers Do?

Dermal fillers can be very helpful in those with early signs of aging, or as a value-added part of facial rejuvenation surgery. Dermal fillers can also do the following:

  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars
  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face
  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids

Are You Interested in Dermal Fillers in Orlando?

While dermal fillers are only temporary treatments for facial aging and aren’t a replacement for facial cosmetic surgery, they are a great way to give your face that younger look you have been looking for. Contact us today to learn more about if dermal fillers are right for you or to schedule an appointment.

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