

When is the Best Time to Get Botox?

Wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines – these age marks are part of the package and while you can’t stop the hands of time, there is one thing you can do – delay the signs of aging through Botox Orlando. Botox comes from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Although this bacterium is responsible for the potentially fatal illness botulism, the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology says that it is safe to use and has very few side effects as long as it is given in small doses. Let’s find out more. 

When Should I Get Botox? 

What is Botox For? 

When Botox Orlando is injected it will temporarily paralyze specific facial muscles and in effect will significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Millions of people all over America have had Botox injections including famous celebrities like Nicole Kidman, Courtney Cox, Kim Kardashian, and Megan Fox among others. The smoothening of your skin through Botox will only last between three months to a year. 

What Age Should You Start Getting Botox Injections? 

Men and women who are prone to wrinkles can get Botox Orlando injections as early as 20 years old. However, the ideal age to get Botox is 35 years old. There is no age limit for Botox. As a matter of fact, plenty of women in their 60s still frequent medical spas to get their regular dose of Botox injections. You can get Botox in your 30s if you have crow’s feet, wrinkles and brow lines and you want to stop these marks from deepening and those in their 40s can take advantage of Botox to minimize lines around their eyes and in their upper eyelids. Women in their 50s can also benefit from Botox since menopausal can make their skin drier increasing the chances of developing wrinkles. And lastly, those in their 60s who want to look younger and fresher can do so with the help of Botox. 

Look Younger with Botox Orlando

If you want to look younger, Botox is your answer. At Windermere Dental & Medical Spa, we are devoted to providing the highest quality family dental and medical services. Our skilled & trusted providers always utilize the most advanced techniques, devices, and procedures with great expertise, safety & integrity. Call us or visit our website to book an appointment or to learn more about our services. 

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